Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Apple Picking

Yesterday the kids and I went Sprouts to get a few things we had run out of, and I had a startling reminder that we do not live in Paris, Texas anymore.

There's this guy that runs the produce department there that seems to be working the majority of the time that we go.  He is SUPER into nutrition and healing your body through food instead of medicine and when he is there I just know that we will be there extra long.  But he has always been sweet to the kids and chops open fruits that we haven't tried before and gives them samples so that's cool.  Plus I just know that Jesus wants a friendship to be born there that He can work through. So anyway, we usually chat about paleo diets verses vegan or the latest super fruit.  One day, a month or two back, he asked me about where the kids go to school and we shared that we home school.  He asked the kids how they like it and what they need. Through the course of the conversation Abigail told him that one of the books you need is the Bible (we have a 15 minute Bible class at the beginning of each day and our writing class is also out of the Bible).  Oh man, this guy stiffened up immediately.  He quickly said a little something that let us know what he thought about that and turned around and stalked off.  Since I got sick, I haven't really seen him.

Last night, I went in and he was there.  I had a question about the difference between yams and jewel yams so I had Abigail ask him (trying to train them up to be efficient in grocery shopping) and he came over to explain the differences to us ( which by the way, there is no difference besides the color of the skin.  So get whatever is cheapest or on sale). In the middle of chopping open the potatoes to show us that there isn't a difference, he has this look pass over his face and he stops and looks at me and says

"You're that family that home schools, aren't you?"  

I felt like I was on trial and it was so funny I almost laughed out loud. "Yes," I said.  "We are very ready for our Christmas break too!"  

Well that apparently set him off, because he looked right at the kids and said, "Did you know that Christmas was actually a pagan holiday and has nothing to do with Jesus?"  He wasn't looking at me. He wasn't really trying to ask a question or even debate with me.  He wanted to make my kids question Christmas!  I was like whoa, you wouldn't have a conversation like this in the produce section of Kroger or Walmart in Paris for sure!  

But people here aren't like people in Paris. This is definitely NOT the Bible Belt of the nation for sure.  We are part of one of the most liberal cities in America where practically everything is legal and nothing is looked down upon for fear of seeming "closed minded."

Well, my kids looked up at me with giant questioning eyes and looked shocked when I answered, 

"He is right, guys." I explained a quick synopsis of how Constantine wanted to make Christianity the Roman religion so he combined some of the old pagan holidays with some of the things Christians were celebrating, trying to make the transition easier for people.  I explained that although originally Christmas was pagan, we as a culture have redeemed it and shone the light of Christ on it and we ARE celebrating Christ now.  

The guy looked at me and said "Here's your potatoes" and walked away.  

I think he wanted to throw us a little, shake our belief.  I wasn't really offended, just a little shocked at how he passed me up and went straight for my kids. But not offended. I remember getting excited before I was a believer when I thought I had something that could tear down someone's faith (I know, I was awful). I just needed a good reason to suffocate the conviction inside of me that was screaming that Jesus is real and I needed him.  So, I'm not mad at him and I was trying to be super careful to respond in loving firmness, not arrogant pride.  I hope and am PRAYING that instead he maybe saw that although there are things that might seem to not make sense about Christianity, there is always a good answer. That was what the kids and I have talked about multiple times since last night.  The whole experience gave us the chance to really talk things through, to explain why it's okay to have a Christmas tree and to talk about taking the things of the world and redeem them and make them things that can bring glory to God.  We don't have to shrink back in fear when someone raises a question we don't know the answer to.  There is always an answer. (P.s. Alwaysbeready.com has a ton of answers if you feel like you're not equipped or don't remember the answer to something)

I think my kids learned some valuable lessons and I am praying that Jesus will keep giving us chances to kindly love this produce guy and share the Light of Jesus with Him.  I am praying that he will see that Jesus isn't who he thinks He is.  I am praying that he sees that Jesus is love and light and everything beautiful and that he surrenders to His embrace.  I am praying that this Christmas he will not be able to deny that the God of the universe came down, humbled himself, became a baby for US.  For LOVE'S SAKE, we celebrate His beautiful plan. Love came down! There can be joy in the world because the Lord HAS come!  

Pray for him with me, okay!?! And let's all remember that people are seeking this time of year.  Every trip to get apples can be a missions trip!  


  1. I must have skipped this one JoJo.

  2. Agreeing with you. I will never look at an apple the same.
